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Doctor Pet is an anti-bacterial and anti- fungal cream with great healing properties.
Our Pet Balm is an anti-bacterial and anti- fungal cream which is why it has great healing properties.
Our most common comment on this product is..."Thank you, you have saved us thousands!"
Made originally for my dog Tui, as she suffered from contact dermatitis from flea bites (she was flea treated but they still affected her if one landed), also from grass and plants, particularly Wandering Jew.
My cat was also a bit odd and had a Pink Batt (roof insulation) fetish. She would stalk around the neighbourhood searching for Pink Batts and rub herself all over them. This resulted in her losing most of her fur! Not a pretty look!! After 'Smooching' her a few times her hair started growing back and the rash was gone. Being a cat and a fussy one she didn't like to be smooched so we had to find her, catch her and then rub in some smooch on the sly. If I picked up the bottle she ran and hid even though I told her medicine is good.
Ingredients: Fijian Niu Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Sesame Oil, Hemp Oil, Plant based Vitamin E
We have had a lot of success with this product and wish you well trying it on your pet. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. We're here to help.
*Warning: With our aim to reduce waste Doctor Pet comes in a glass jar with a metal lid. Metal lids are secure only by lugs and not full thread like plastic ones, so clever dogs may be able to open the jar. A clever boxer did this recently and polished off the whole jar! So please be aware that this could happen as we would hate for any dogs to end up damaging themselves on cut glass from the jar. Store in a cupboard away from clever dogs and direct sunlight.